08 December 2009

Can You Whistle? Evangelizing by Welcoming.

The feast of the Immaculate Conception is very special for us as a Salesian Family for it marks the beginning of Don Bosco’s mission amongst the young, a mission which we have inherited as his spiritual sons.

In that first meeting which Don Bosco had with Garelli we already see different quality which were to develop into the different elements of his Salesian Spirit and Preventive system. One of these key qualities is the quality of WELCOME. Every person felt welcomed by Don Bosco and his Oratory.

The reflection below illustrates how a warm attitude of welcome is fundamental in our evangelizing mission to the young

A young lad of sixteen was thrown out of the church, out of the sacristy because he was ignorant, did not know how to serve Mass and just did not fit! But he was lucky, for there was someone to reach out to him: ‘Ignorant?! – But he does know how to whistle; and he is my friend! Come in. Welcome’.

A simple welcome was to change the life of that young lad, and the lives of so many young people for that matter. A welcome that was the seed that bloomed into who we are today! Is not the most popular photo of Don Bosco the one that greets us with his welcoming eyes and smile?

We Evangelize by welcoming, we welcome by Evangelizing’! Maybe this could be a good way of rephrasing a familiar saying for us Salesians. This brings us right into the heart of Christianity.
 Has not this been so from the very beginnings of the Church. ‘Whoever welcomes you welcomes me, and who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me.’ ‘Whenever you enter a town and they welcome you, eat whatever is set before you, cure the sick and say to them, the Kingdom of God is at hand’ (Lk 10;9) ‘The natives showed us extraordinary hospitality, they lit a fire and welcomed all of us because it began to rain’ (Acts 28:2)

It brings us also right to the heart of our charism. Ever since that very first welcome, welcoming young people, - making them feel at home, making them feel that they are loved - has been the expression of a new experience of the Spirit within the Church. Don Bosco and the Salesians have been welcoming young people ever since. The Oratory is, of its very nature, a place of welcome, a place where young people feel at home, a place where they feel that they belong.
It is when people feel at home that they wish to stay – ‘I want to stay with don Bosco’, was a common expression used at the Oratory. Indeed there is no better vocation ministry than a warm welcome to the young. That is one of the main reasons why the Congregation has grown so big, so fast. Again and again when I hear young brothers and pre-novices talk of their vocation, they always mention with enthusiasm the impact of that first welcome. ‘Yes I want to remain with Don Bosco!’

"Let us love, since that is all our hearts were made for."
C92 Mary in the life and prayer of the Salesian

Mary, Mother of God, holds a unique place in the history of salvation.
She is a model of prayer and pastoral love, the teacher of wisdom and guide of our Family.
We contemplate and imitate her faith, her concern for the needy, her fidelity at the hour of the cross, and her joy at the wonders wrought by the Father.

Mary Immaculate, Help of Christians, leads us to the fullness of our offering to the Lord and gives us courage for the service of our brethren.

We develop a strong filial devotion to her. We recite the rosary each day and celebrate her feasts to encourage a more convinced and personal imitation.

St. Therese, The Little Flower


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