15 December 2009

Let Nothing Disturb You.


The Salesian does not give way to discouragement in face of difficulties, because he has complete trust in the Father. "Let nothing upset you", Don Bosco used to say.1
Inspired by the optimistic humanism of St Francis de Sales, he believes in man's natural and supernatural resources without losing sight of his weakness.
He is able to make his own what is good in the world and does not bewall his own times; he accepts all that is good,2 especially if it appeals to the young.
Because he is a herald of the Good News he is always cheerful.3 He radiates this joy and is able to educate to a christian and festive way of life: "Let us serve the Lord in holy joy".

Young people can see the world with a mixture of feelings but above all else with a sense of joy and optimism, Don Bosco too emphasised the need for optimism and joy and reminded us of St Francis de Sales advice that we should not bewail the times we live in.

Young people are the growing hope of society and they have within their hands a future that belongs to them. As Salesians we too need to become explorers in their journey of faith, finding new ways to connect the older wisdom of the Gospel to the wide range of options that the young people are facing today.

Young people don't need us to make their world safe, but they do need us to give them some sort of compass as they move into an unknown future. For Salesians that compass is the experience of Gospel love, "young people need to know that they are loved"; “education is mainly a matter of the heart” said Don Bosco.

Don Bosco was convinced that education must be a joyful experience and he strove always to create an ambient in which young people could grow in a spirit of spontaneity, and joy and laughter; in an ambient in which he felt very much at home. This was possible because deep down Don Bosco was an optimist. For Don Bosco there was not place for discouragement in the face of difficulties, but a calm and serene acceptance of whatever is good.

We can say that Don Bosco more than an optimist, was a man of faith. He was convinced that there was someone greater than him was in charge, someone greater than everyone and everything in this world. Someone who cared for and loved, young people in particular, in an intense and personal way. Don Bosco saw himself as being only a humble, unworthy servant of this great and loving God. It was this faith that kept him going, that gave him the strength to carry on in spite of everything.

This faith of Don Bosco was translated into a very lively trust in young people. He believed in the young, in their intrinsic goodness and he encouraged those around him to do the same. He made it clear to them that an educator could not be one who constantly lamented his times, who despaired about young people. It is this belief in the young that enables the young to believe in themselves and spurs them on gradually to change.

Don Bosco has sanctified the joy of living and has offered young people the key to the attainment of such happiness. In our Schools, youth centre, parish we need be able to bring into the lives of young people and into our lives the spirit of optimism and joy. We need be confidence that good will ultimately prevail in every person, and that in every person there is a point accessible to what is good. We need be open to human values; the Salesian accepts the values of the word and he takes hold of everything that is good, especially if it is pleasing to the young

Trying to understand young people is an act of the heart as well as the love it is the first step in building a lifelong friendship with young people. If we become living testimonies for others of the spirit of Joy and Optimism of Don Bosco it’s becomes contagious. Life then becomes worth living. Young people want to be impress for our love, family spirit, joy and optimism.

That following the example of St Francis of Sales and the teaching of St John Bosco, we may always believe in the natural and supernatural resources of man, and while not ignoring his weakness, be able to discover the germs of goodness which you place in the heart of every youngster.
That in spite of the thorns strewn on our path, we may never loose site of the goal which awaits us, but remain optimistic, full o f trust in our Father.
That we may be able to discern the values of creation and be able to accept what is good, especially if it appeals to the young.
That aw we proclaim the good news of Jesus, we may be bearers of joy, and be able to educate young people to a holiness based on Christian happiness.

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